On 16 June 2018, Helga Hernes was awarded honorary membership in the Norwegian Association for Women’s Rights (Norsk Kvinnesaksforening, NKS).
Hernes became an honorary member due to her important role as a pioneer in the field of Norwegian gender research, and the Assocation notes that her groundbreaking work has been significant for many different areas of research. In particular, NKS highlights that Hernes' concept of "state feminism", which she first launched in the publication Welfare State and Woman Power: Essays in State Feminism (1987), has become one of the most cited Nordic concepts in international gender research.
Helga Hernes began working at PRIO as a Senior Adviser in 2006, and is now officially retired from PRIO. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the Johns Hopkins University, and has held a range of important positions within the field of research and foreign policy in Norway. To name a few, Hernes has acted as State Secretary in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as Norwegian Ambassador to Austria, Bratislava, Slovakia and the UN in Vienna and Ambassador to Switzerland and the Holy See, as Director of the Centre for International Climate and Energy Policy in Oslo (CICERO), and as Director for Research at the Norwegian Institute for Social Research.