On 29 November GPS Centre Director Torunn L. Tryggestad was invited as speaker at a webinar on"Education for Inclusive Peace: the role of education and research in promoting the Women, Peace and Security agenda in the Nordics".
The webinar explored the role of education and research in the implementation of the Women Peace and Security agenda in the Nordics. A diverse group of academics, policy makers and educators were brought together to map out good practices as well as potential future collaborations, particularly within the Nordic region.
Tryggestad gave an introduction on a roundtable addressing the question ‘What is the potential of collaboration between researchers and policymakers in the making of Women, Peace and Security policy?’
The event was organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland, University of Helsinki (Global Development Studies), and the Finnish 1325 Network as part of the Finnish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers.