Norman Mukasa, visiting scholar at the Gesis Institute for Social Sciences in Cologne and affiliated with Muteesa I Royal University (MRU) and Bugema University (BU) in Uganda, has been appointed PRIO Global Fellow.
Dr. Mukasa is a dedicated educator and researcher with a PhD in International and Intercultural Studies from Deusto University, Spain. His research interests include topics linked to peace and conflict transformation— particularly children born of war, gender issues and social inequality.
He is involved in building research networks and promoting research capacity in Africa. Dr Mukasa is a member of the International Network for Interdisciplinary Research on Children Born of War (INIRC-CBOW) among other academic networks, and a board member to the Children Born of War Project among other East Africa-based research networks.
He is currently developing a post-doctoral research project entitled: "African Children Born of War: Needs and Risks Associated with Perpetrator-Identities", which aims at mapping re-useable data and developing a database for African CBOW-statistics, cases, and associated policy developments, reviewing two decades of research on African CBOW, and analyzing (inter/cross) generational needs and risks of African CBOW.
He has published on "War-child mothers in northern Uganda: the civil war forgotten legacy" (2017), "Violent Conflict and Forced Displacement: A Comparison of Family Size Dynamics and Women's Power in Uganda" (2015), as well as other individual and collaborative publications. He further lectured and presented work on numerous topics, including Child soldiers and children born of war and their mothers, Post-conflict recovery and development, Geopolitical economy and developing countries, Peace and conflict resolution, and Gender and development.