Friday, October 4th, 16 students from the MA program on Gender, Peace and Conflict at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Research (STK), University of Oslo visited PRIO. PRIO GPS Centre Director Torunn L. Tryggestad gave an introduction to PRIO and the activities of the GPS Centre, followed by a special session by Senior Publication Advisor Gee Berry on research communication and how to write policy briefs. The visit provided an invaluable opportunity for students to explore practical aspects of gender research and policymaking directly from experts at PRIO.
The visit was followed-up by the GPS Centre director giving a lecture for the same group of students at STK Friday October 18 on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and the gender dimensions of peace and conflict studies.
Both the visit to PRIO and the lecture at UiO forms part of a collaborative agreement between the PRIO GPS Centre and STK/UiO.