Photo: The Royal Australian Air Force
Photo: The Royal Australian Air Force

PRIO research on gender, peace and security is finding an enthusiastic audience in a military context. Recently, Louise Olsson, Senior Researcher at PRIO, was teaching on how to implement women, peace and security in military contexts at the Key Leader Engagement course at the Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations. The course was aimed at senior military leaders.

Following this teaching engagement Olsson was contacted by the gender adviser at the Australian Joint Operations Command of the Air Force to request permission to make use of her material from the session. Olsson also serves as a coach on gender integration and women, peace and security in the Swedish Armed Forces Gender Coach program, another training program for senior military leaders. These are valuable recognitions of PRIO’s first-rate expertise in this area, as well as evidence of our work spreading and gaining traction within a relevant stakeholder milieu. Olsson intends to develop one or more policy briefs relating to this material to further target the military audience.