The Global Alliance of Regional Women Mediator Networks was launched on 26 September. The launch was a side event at the High-Level Opening Week of the United Nations General Assembly 74 (UNGA 74). Over fifty women from four regional women mediator networks, as well as government and UN officials attended the launch. The PRIO GPS Centre and NOREF, as operational partners of NWM-Norway, played a central role in the organisation of the launch as well as a network day for the members of the four regional networks of women mediators. PRIO also had a key role in contributing to a promo film made and a webpage set up for the Global Alliance.
The regional networks of women mediators seek to enhance women's meaningful participation and influence in peace processes at all levels. By launching a global alliance these regional networks aim to ensure strengthened cooperation and coordination as well as embodying a collective voice, while maintaining their respective independence and characteristics.
The Global Alliance was launched in New York as a cooperation between four regional women mediator networks, including the Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (FemWise-Africa), the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network, the Nordic Women Mediators and the Women Mediators across the Commonwealth. An increasing number of countries and multilateral organisations are setting up or support similar initiatives, among them ASEAN and the League of Arab States. At the launch, Norwegian Foreign Minister, Ine Eriksen Søreide, encouraged other states and regions to join the alliance in order to make it 'truly global'.
The launch of the Global Alliance is a historic milestone, yet many of the women present highlighted that there is simply no time for a celebration. For them the launch is a recognition of the obstacles facing women mediators that are still to be overcome. A UN study has found that only two per cent of chief mediators, nine percent of negotiators, and four percent of signatories were women in all major peace processes between 1990 and 2017[1]. As we are moving towards 2020, the year which marks the 25-year anniversary of the Beijing Platform of Action and the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, women continue to be side-lined and denied the opportunity to be negotiators among the parties in conflict.
Learn more about the Global Alliance of Regional Women Mediator Networks here:
- The Global Alliance webpage: www.globalwomenmediators.org
- The Global Alliance promotion video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVKXlA1lCgs
- The full Global Alliance launch: http://webtv.un.org/search/launch-of-the-global-alliance-of-women-mediator-networks/6090032915001/?term&fbclid=IwAR2AC5vOVzcnweFZOSaAkXI_xEqd87KEeooMH8nUgsN0sxlgbjYdfMWUKwg
- UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed's key note speech at the launch: http://webtv.un.org/search/amina-mohamed-deputy-secretary-general-at-the-launch-of-the-global-alliance-of-women-mediator-networks/6090045367001/?term=
- Use the hashtag #WomenMediators on Facebook and Twitter.