Photo: NRK / Screnshot
Photo: NRK / Screnshot

On International Women's Day, several PRIO researchers were interviewed in various media outlets on the role of women in war.

Torunn L. Tryggestad spoke on women's role in conflict and in peace processes on Nyhetsmorgen ("News morning"), a radio program on Norwegian public radio (NRK Radio), and on TV2 Nyhetskanalen ("The News Channel").

Louise Olsson made an appearance on VGTV, a Norwegian TV channel run by the newspaper, Verdens Gang (VG). The focus of her interview was the conflict in Ukraine. More specifically, she discussed the three images of women's participation and security in the defence of Ukraine: a) as responsible for children and elderly, b) as part of humanitarian support, civilian defence, and the upholding of social stability, and c) as part of the military forces, with women making up 15% of Ukraine's Armed Forces before the war, and many women signing up for voluntary forces.

Finally, both Louise Olsson and Inger Skjelsbæk contributed with insights on women in the armed forces in an article published in the Norweigan newspaper, Vårt Land. Read the article here.