In 2021, PRIO has increased its efforts to strengthen research on gender, women, and masculinities. In addition to the strategic project on men and masculinities, the gender research group has arranged a series of brownbags covering gender dimensions in a range of topics, such as impact and ethics, women’s empowerment in the context of war, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes, UN peacekeeping reform, and power-sharing and gender provisions implementation when realizing a peace agreement.
Publishing its first papers focusing on women and gender in the early 1980s, PRIO’s research on this theme has a long tradition. PRIO has since become a hub of research in Norway with an international outreach studying various forms of gender aspects related to peace, security, and armed conflict. Reflecting PRIO's inter-disciplinary and multi-method approach, our research is cross-cutting and spans across all Research Departments. The aim of the Gender Research Group is to contribute to further strengthen PRIO’s profile. This is an effort conducted in close collaboration with the PRIO GPS Centre in order to further impact and outreach of PRIO’s research.